Deliziosa Flour - Pizza Rustica

Deliziosa Flour - Pizza Rustica

Strong flour for pizza and for bread with long leavening. Deliziosa flour is a blend of soft wheat with seeds and cereals.  

Perfect for preparations with a maturation of 48/72 hours

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Instructions for use

It is ideal for making delicious and light pizza or bread at home.

Suitable for pizza, focaccia, bread and long-fermented baked goods, and flavorful leavened desserts.


W 320 - 360. The strength index (W) should be considered as a label to define the best use of the product.

Strength is the ability to form the gluten network (which retains more or less carbon dioxide) and the power to absorb liquids. The proteins responsible for gluten formation are two insoluble proteins: gliadin and glutenin.

Weak flours form a gluten network that retains little carbon dioxide and have reduced liquid absorption. Weak flours are more suitable for all preparations that do not require a long leavening time.

Strong flours are rich in gluten, absorb liquids to a greater extent, and retain more carbon dioxide. The dough is tenacious, very elastic, and suitable for long fermentations.

Recommended recipe

Long-fermented pizza with Deliziosa flour


  • 600g of Deliziosa flour
  • 2g of Dry beer yeast
  • 300/350g of cold water
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 15g of salt

In a bowl, combine the flour and dry beer yeast. Add the cold water little by little and knead. Add the extra virgin olive oil and salt. Take the dough and transfer it to a bowl; cover with nylon and let it rest for 30 minutes. Put the bowl in the fridge for 70 hours, then take the dough out of the fridge, let it return to room temperature, and shape the pizzas. Add the desired ingredients and then bake at the maximum temperature for 15/20 minutes.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 53 reviews
Dario Pertusini
Ottima farina per pizza

Ottimo sapore, adatta ad impasti a lunga maturazione.
La uso per impasti no-knead con idratazione al 75%
Consigliata per pizze saporite!!!

Stefania Bisicchia

Tutto ottimo!!!

Fabio Burin
Deliziosa sempre una garanzia

Una farina eccezionale che gestita nella maniera corretta regala sapori che solo lei sa dare. Inoltre grazie al suo elevato livello di assorbimento, riesce a offrire leggerezza e scioglievolezza! In stesura offre una tenuta incredibile. Essendo molto forte sarebbe tendenzialmente tenace, quindi consiglio alta idratazione e appretti molto lunghi. La utilizzo per la preparazione di pizza tonda con cottura in forno Effeuno

Lara Morsut

Qualità ottima e disponibilità nella consegna. Gentilissimi

Veronica Virginio

Buonissima e ottimo servizio!

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