Wholemeal flour type 2 medium strength
Wholemeal flour type 2 medium strength Wholemeal flour type 2 medium strength

Wholemeal flour type 2 medium strength

Type 2 Flour, also known as semi-wholemeal, is a balanced flour with a good amount of fiber and minerals.

It is recommended for maturation of 12/20 hours.


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Instructions for use

Suitable for bread, pizza, focaccia, and unique-tasting cakes. Type 2 Flour, being semi-wholemeal, is easier to work with than wholemeal flour.

Recommended leavening time 12/20 hours.

We recommend using it pure or mixed with flours from the lines Fiber and Well-being and Taste and Fantasy 


W 230 - 280. The strength index (W) should be considered as a term to define the best use of the product.

Strength is the ability to form the gluten mesh (which retains more or less carbon dioxide) and the power to absorb liquids, the proteins responsible for gluten formation are two insoluble proteins: gliadin and glutenin.

Weak flours form a gluten mesh that retains little carbon dioxide and has a reduced liquid absorption. Weak flours are more suitable for all preparations that do not require a leavening time.

Strong flours are rich in gluten, absorb liquids to a greater extent, and retain more carbon dioxide. The dough is tenacious, very elastic, and suitable for supporting long leavening times.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Roberto Siano
Farina Ottima

Ottima Farina per un pane rustico e di sapore.


Come sempre tutto perfetto

Sabrina Deckert
Ottimo prodotto

Uso questa farina per tutti i tipi di impasto. Ma soprattutto per i panini. Sostituisco sempre il 50% della farina con questa. Anche le torte e alcuni biscotti con albicocche o ciliegie secche hanno bisogno di un po' di forza in più e hanno un sapore migliore con Tipo2.

Alleata ideale per un gusto rustico e deciso

L'ho usata sia per il pane che per la pizza e ha conferito all'impasto un sapore intenso oltre che una consistenza morbida e fragrante.

La consiglio a chi vuole creare ricette gustose e genuine allo stesso tempo.

Clio Salvagno
Farina indispensabile

Da quando ho provato questa farina non riesco più a farne a meno… direi un must have per la pizza!!!

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