Pan Sole Flour - Pane di semi
Pan Sole Flour - Pane di semi Pan Sole Flour - Pane di semi

Pan Sole Flour - Pane di semi

Mixture with soft grain and seeds of sunflower, sesame seeds, flax seeds, millet and corn flakes.

Perfect for bread, focaccia, donuts and cakes.


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Usage tips

Suitable for bread, focaccia, sweet and savory donuts, cakes, and muffins. Mix Pan Sole 50/50 with a medium-high strength flour from Linea Tradizione.


Weak blend - to be mixed with one of the Linea Tradizione flours, depending on the use.

Strength is the ability to form the gluten mesh (which retains more or less carbon dioxide) and the power to absorb liquids. The proteins responsible for gluten formation are two insoluble proteins: gliadin and glutenin.

Weak flours form a gluten mesh that retains little carbon dioxide and has reduced liquid absorption. Weak flours are more suitable for all preparations that do not require a proofing time.

Strong flours are rich in gluten, absorb liquids to a greater extent, and retain more carbon dioxide. The doughs are tenacious, very elastic, and suitable for supporting long proofing times.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
M. V. T.
Qualità assicurata!

Da anni mi rifornisce al Molino Moras ed è sempre garanzia di qualità dei prodotti.

Elena Merlo
Pane ai semi

Buona farina. Pane saporito e profumato

Paola Lirusso
Sapori antichi

Molto soddisfatta dei prodotti presi, i pani profumano di antico

Daniela Rigo
Buon prodotto

Farina molto buona che da una marcia in più agli impasti

Rosalba Crosilla
Grande Moras

Anche questa si è rivelata al top: saporita, fragante e duttile

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